BlogChatterA2Z Challenge, Social Media Posts

Never Done Email Marketing ? Here is the Why and the Where of It. #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

We’ve all received newsletters, in fact they've been around for ages. They started when email addresses became popular some decades ago. But despite chatbots and blogs and other effective marketing strategies, email marketing is still going strong.

BlogChatterA2Z Challenge, Social Media Posts

Ways to Grow Your Email List #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

You can develop a great relationship with people in your email list with careful strategy. Of course, for all this to happen we need an email list in the first place. How to grow your email list so that you reach a wider audience? Here are some pointers...

BlogChatterA2Z Challenge, Social Media Posts

Digital Marketing 101 #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

Over the next three years expect that more than 50% of sales advertising will be done online. You can already see it in the way the daily newspaper is shrinking and online ads seem to be everywhere you turn (or click) when online. This online marketing is otherwise known as Digital Marketing....