BlogChatterA2Z Challenge, Social Media Posts

Boost Your Brand Growth With Super Thought Leadership #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

You’ve been hearing this jargon a lot lately and are probably fed up with it; it’s everywhere - thought leadership. Who is a thought leader? If you have expertise in your chosen field or niche and can connect your knowledge with innovation and progressive views, people take you seriously. You can boost your brand’s growth with thought leadership. People trust what you have to say...

BlogChatterA2Z Challenge, Social Media Posts

The Future of AI In Digital Marketing #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

Artificial Intelligence or AI is all the rage. You may have seen chat bots in Facebook Messenger. You subscribe to someone’s business and it pounds you with information and queries you often whether you want to go on or to choose something. You have experienced it in smart devices that seemingly talk to you or in self-driven cars. They are programmed to understand needs, your preferences and give you a customized result.

BlogChatterA2Z Challenge, Social Media Posts

Digital Marketing 101 #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

Over the next three years expect that more than 50% of sales advertising will be done online. You can already see it in the way the daily newspaper is shrinking and online ads seem to be everywhere you turn (or click) when online. This online marketing is otherwise known as Digital Marketing....