Social Media Posts

TikTok is #TheNewNormal

Photo by cottonbro on

Seems like a dream – we got up in the morning, rushed through breakfast, packed lunch and if you have kids, pushed them to get ready FAST! Then the long commute to work or not (if you’re lucky!) Get into the workplace just on the nick of time! Remember those days? Remember the office gossip, the office friends, who often became your “best friends”? Golden days, did they really happen? Seems hazy now, after 3-4 months of lock-downs and work-from-home routines right? Content creators on Social Media like TikTok are no different and you thrive on socializing and seeing action to constantly come up with ideas. What do you do as a content creator stuck at home? Where can you get fresh ideas?

– Drum roll please! –

Well for one, content creators on TikTok. are making lock down seem like a lot of fun. Yes, you heard right, there are hundreds of new videos put up every single day on this social media platform. Maybe people aren’t traveling to fun and exotic places, or showing off hanging out with friends or taking risks, but you can find a lot of new, crazy and informative videos on this platform. TikTok is #TheNewNormal. At a glance you get what’s trending in people’s lives, how bored they are or how creative they are. The funny, the serious, the thoughtful person is just a click away.

On TikTok you can find creative ways to meet friends. You find that you are not alone when it rains and you’re not the only one who worries about getting your head wet! Only on TikTok can you discover that when you feel lonely there can be three of you even during a lockdown! When you miss hopping across the street to get your coffee or tea-fix find a unique way to make a new refreshing drink right there.


My coronavirus quarantine is going great. Sooo so great. Just great… please send help #wfhchallenge

♬ Work from Home – Fifth Harmony

Content creators are getting really creative (cliched but true!) What happens when #WorkFromHome fun is over? Never fear, they are ready with options for you to step out of your home in style! Thought you were the only one feeling stir-crazy at home? Find some fun & recreation right there on TikTok, remember you aren’t the only one!

#TheNewNormal is happening right now. We are finding ways to be ‘normal’ #WorkFromHome is great when you think of the zero commute time, the hectic preparation to rush out the door and wearing clothes that are comfortable and not just for looking good. Content creators are finding ways to make life interesting when there aren’t many choices in adventures they can show you. Find what you are looking for from the sheer variety of videos that TikTok’s novel video creators churn out everyday.




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