This blog post is part of the “Travel Destinations in the USA for Retirement” Series – This destination starts with the letter M. The Miraculous Stairway in the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has a fascinating story about how it came to be built.

Tucked away in sleepy New Mexico, which is a state in the USA, not to be confused with Mexico which is a country across the border from New Mexico, in Santa Fe, is a small chapel with a big claim to fame. The Loretto Chapel’s claim to fame is its beautiful stairway – The Miraculous Stairway.

The Miraculous Stairway has no central pole to support it. It is held together with wooded pegs and gum. When it was built in 1877, there wasn’t even a handrail. This was added some years later.
The story goes that the Sisters of Loretto commissioned the chapel in 1873 as a part of a girl’s school, The Loretto Academy. The chapel was designed by Antoine Mouly and his son Projectus. The building took five years to finish and when it was almost complete Projectus died. The Miraculous Stairway hadn’t been built. No other architect was able to design a suitable stairway to access the Choir loft in the small chapel.
It is said the Sisters prayed and after 9 days their prayers were answered. A mysterious stranger came and wanted to build the stairway. Some say he worked overnight, others say it took him 6 months. After the stairway was built he disappeared just as mysteriously as he appeared. The Sisters said it must have been St. Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. The twisted stairway was a marvel, because of the way it twisted its way up 20 ft to the loft without the central pole for support, as is usual with spiral stairways.

The school and chapel were used till 1968, after which it became a museum and wedding chapel. Today no one is allowed up the Miraculous Stairway. We can visit the chapel and wander around to admire the stained glass imported from France all those centuries ago and the now-famous stairway.
The stairway became even more well-known after the movie “The Staircase” came out in the 90s. The movie focused on the miraculous story.

Santa Fe is also well-known for art, crafts and music. The area is known for its Spanish and Pueblo-style architecture. The stucco surfaces and flat Pueblo-style roof became the signature of the city.

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

Learn about the Rodeo at this link:
wow…this is something very interesting. I like to visit places which as a history, sometimes story behind it. Miraculous Stairway added to that list.
Seems yo be a great historical place. You are taking us to many such places virtually
Thanks for dropping by Supriya!
That’s some excellent architectural finesse on display
It is very beautiful to see.
another interesting post, you seem to have done quite a bit research 🙂
Thanks Arti! Traveling around I guess!
That’s interesting story behind the stairway. Amazed by the design and idea behind it.
It is a beautiful and peaceful place !
This was so interesting! A winding staircase without a central pole…wow! Indeed sounds like a miracle. I want to watch the movie now!
It is a pretty place for sure!
A beautiful story.I wonder how they made that stairway!
Really with the technology and equipment they had it was a – miracle!
I’m intrigued by the choice of your topic. Travel destinations post retirement.
It’s actually for anyone to enjoy but older people prefer off-the-beaten path and less touristy places. I’ve curated a list of such places! Niagara and the Golden Gate Bridge are not on it! 🙂