Sink Your Teeth into Comfort Food
Dig into a bowl of mac & cheese, let the oozy, gooey goodness of the melted cheese fall sensuously on your tongue, and feel the bite of the macaroni as your teeth sink into it. Close your eyes and sigh! It takes you back to carefree days when everything was right with the world.
Or how about a plate of meatloaf – that spoonful of goodness, meat, and sauce, hits the spot on a cold winter’s day, doesn’t it?
Decadent chocolate ice cream is just what the doctor ordered whether you are celebrating or weeping at your love life!

Celebrating Everything Good and the Bad….
Everyone has a comfort food that they love. Comfort foods vary from culture to culture, country to country. You crave a warm, decadent meal that you would not under normal circumstances. I like nann and butter chicken. You may love to dig into a tub of ice cream! Someone else thinks nothing is more comforting than a bowl of warm soup. The thing is, everyone in the world likes comfort food at certain times in your life.
Are you so calorie-conscious and careful most of the time? But then, you have a happy moment, you get that job you wanted or get engaged, or worse the love of your life turns out to have feet of clay and what do you do? You reach out for that rich fudge brownie that you normally are never tempted to eat!
Does Comfort Food Help Us?
Psychologists tell us that you eat comfort foods to up the feeling of positivity, and to modify your mood when down.
Did you know that men look for meat and casseroles while women turn to ice cream and other snack foods ?
Could it be that women don’t want to cook when we are stressed, while guys like to think of their mother’s pampering?!
Comfort food reminds you of family & hearth and good times with friends. You get a rush of nostalgia when you spoon a mouthful of Southern-fried chicken…Mom’s comfort food comes to mind whether you are stressed or happy.
There are so many more memories that you may personally associate with some happy food or some experience that was good in your life!

What It Does…
All this comfort food eating is making us fat, say dieticians. It’s probably okay to indulge once in a while if you have been eating right and exercising regularly.
What’s a cheat-day in between? As long as you indulge once in a while, you should be able to eat your favorite food and not feel guilty.
Psychologists tell us there is no real relationship between food and humans! Ha! Tell that to the guy celebrating his promotion! The girl who just graduated high school or the mother who just had a bad day may not agree with them!
We know the importance of food for comfort don’t we?!
Which is your favorite comfort food? Let me know where you are from and your favorite comfort food in the comments!
Want some comfort food recipes? Who better than the food network to guide you to them?
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