People blog for various reasons. You may blog because you enjoy letting people know your thoughts about something. A thought leader needs to get his/her ideas out there and a blog is a really good way to get out to people. You may blog for social reasons: to entertain friends and associates because doggonit you love to write!
There are those blogs that are for book reviews too because you love to read and want people to know about that wonderful book by xyz. What about those budding writers, they who love to practice their writing skills? A blog is a way to get in the writing practice you need to write that No.1 best-seller inside your head!
A blog is a good way to market something too. A blog is excellent for SEO for the rest of your business. Without it, your SEO could be pathetic. It’s a good way to promote your business on social media, by telling people about this wonderful blog post on your website. With a blog you can have a call-to-action or you can show authority about a subject.
But the crucial question is how do you get people to read your blog? Or your question could be, where do I find a good blog post to read? People talk about there being a saturation of blog posts on the Net, but you just don’t know where to look!
What is theBlochatter.com’s Reading List?
When you go to the Home page of Blogchatter, you will find a “Reading List.” Have you ever wondered what that is for? The Reading List is a place a blogger loves to visit every day! It has all the links submitted by you and me. It’s a great way to keep up with trending blogs and learn about the latest blog posts. Can’t find a good idea for your own blog post? Search for blog links and get inspired from other blogs.
Why Submit a Blog Post to the Reading List?
You write a blog post, publish it and then what? Have you had trouble getting people to come to your blog? Or did you write something important and people just haven’t read it yet? You share it on Social Media and still not exactly what you wanted right? Well this is where theBlogchatter.com comes in. Submit your blog post to the Reading List and see what happens.
Bloggers browse and pick from the list to read and comment and possibly share it on Social Media. This is your chance to get views and clicks on your blog post. So next time you write a blog post, hop over to: https://www.theblogchatter.com/link-submission/
submit your link and sit back, relax and enjoy.
I love your thoughts!
This post is really very informative. Thank you so much Brindha for writing and sharing 🙂